Family Unification Program
The Family Unification Program (FUP) is a program under which Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV) are provided to two different populations as follows:
- Families for whom the lack of adequate housing is a primary factor in;
- a. The imminent placement of the family’s child or children in out-of-home care,
- or
- b. The delay in the discharge of the child or children to the family from out-of-home care.
There is no time limitation on FUP family vouchers.
- Youths at least 18 years old and not more than 21 years old who left foster care at age 16 or older and who lack adequate housing. FUP vouchers used by youths are limited, by statute, to 18 months of housing assistance.
The Lakewood Housing Authority (LHA) administers this program in partnership with the State of New Jersey Department of Children and Families Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCPP). DCPP refers FUP families and youths to the LHA for determination of eligibility for rental assistance. Once DCPP makes the referral the LHA arranges for an appointment with the FUP Specialist. During this appointment the program is explained and eligibility is established. A limited number of slots are available for this program and after the number is reached no further referrals are accepted. There is not a separate FUP waiting list. As slots open DCPP is contacted and referrals are again accepted.